Teacher Trainer
At CodaBot, our goal is to instil children with the joy of life long learning. We aim to nurture their creativity through success in each stages of difficulties to build up their confidence. We also aim to guide children through difficulties they encounter that will help build up their resilience.

(BA, MA, MBA, EdD)
Dr Warren Linger is the founder of Certified Innovation Consulting and Training, a coaching, training, and communications firm that helps teachers and small tutor center owners.
Dr Warren’s clients includes:
- Representatives from 50+ countries;
- Over 25000 individuals who wanted to improve;
- A former Fortune 500 CEO
His writing includes:
- over 300 articles and blogs on education, engagement and innovation;
- 2 books on leadership tools including global learning and management;
- over 50 academic and conference papers on innovative and engaged learning with mobile devices.
Before devoting his work fulltime to Influence Your Success, Dr Warren served as a guest lecturer, assistant, and associate professor in management and communication for universities on five continents.
Dr Warren is most well known for his innovating, problem solving, conducting research and studying best practices with clients to create innovative systems to increase engagement for students as well as learning centres.
Using best practices from both the East and the West, Dr Warren has developed coaching systems that focus on improving the quality of lifestyle for students, teachers, centre owners and families as we all navigate the racing change in the world.
Warren LINGER is an independent researcher on engagement and its effects on learning, productivity, happiness, and fulfillment. He has worked in the Silicon Valley, ‘the City’ of Oxford and HP, IBM, HSBC, and PeopleSoft. He has lectured in 14 countries including at the University of Hong Kong, University of California Berkeley, Cambridge, and Tsinghua University in Beijing.
His popular works include the audio programs: The New Technology of Achievement, Success Master, and Creating Irresistible Influence. His original work on metaphoric communication and change is documented in three programs.