Pui KIU International kindergarten and nursery Summer Courses

15 AUGUST – 26 AUGUST 2022

The following courses are available for students:

Week 1:

  • K1 Students: Coding Blocks: Little Builders
  • K2 & K3 Students: Scratch JR: Activities

Week 2:

  • K1 Students: Coding Mats: Active Code Game
  • K2 & K3 Students: Digital Art


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or Scan the QR Code Below!!

Coding Blocks: Little Builders (K1)

Course Details

Course Content:

  • Turns abstract programming languages into physical blocks of sensors, actuators, basic logic processors, etc. 
  • Easy magnetic connection of blocks allows various logic processes and sequencing to achieve intelligent control of a robot. 
  • Seamlessly connected to “Electronic Coding Bricks” that enable children to build their own scenes resembling real-life environments, such as an electric fan or a playground

Key Development:

  • To Encourage Problem Solving Independently 
  • To Promote a Child’s Brain Development
  • To Stimulate Interest in Learning

Date & Time

Course Date:

Week 1: 15 – 19 August (Mon – Fri)

Course Time:
9:15 am – 11:15 am

HK$2,480.00/ week (5 classes)

Scratch JR: Activities (K2 & K3)

Course Details

Course Content:

  • Using Scratch as a programming language and an online community where children can program and share.

Key Development:

  • A program that allows younger children to learn coding
  • Students create their own interactive stories, games, and animations

*Students to bring their own iPad or Android Tab

Date & Time

Course Date:

Week 1: 15 – 19 August (Mon – Fri)

Course Time:
9:15 am – 11:15 am

HK$2,480.00/ week (5 classes)

Coding Mat (K1)

Course Details

Course Content:

  • Create coding sequences
  • Design block-based coding
  • Explore directional commands
  • Learn basic math principles

Key Development:

  • A program that gives beginner coders foundational experiences to understand logic and processes.
  • Empower children to discover the patterns used in coding and put them into practice.
  • Enhance children’s ability to concentrate and follow directions.
  • Allows students to visualize abstract math principles with physical mats.

*Students to bring their own iPad or Android Tab

Date & Time

Course Date:

Week 2: 22 – 26 August (Mon – Fri)

Course Time:
9:15 am – 11:15 am

HK$2,480.00/ week (5 classes)

Digital Art (K2 – K3)

Course Details

Course Content:

  • Explore coloring games
  • Learn digital sketching
  • Refine digital painting
  • Create digital posters
  • Edit image with filters, shaders, etc. 

Key Development:

  • Enhance students’ creativity and bring out the artist in them.
  • Build creativity and confidence in sketching students’ ideas.
  • Express beautiful ideas with simple tools.
  • Speak to the world with colorful and impactful methods. 
  • Learn tips and tricks about editing pictures and general photography.

** Students to bring their own iPad or Android Tab with these apps installed: Color by Number, Sketchbook, ibis Paint X, Canva, Snapseed

Date & Time

Course Date:

Week 2: 22 – 26 August (Mon – Fri)

Course Time:
9:15 am – 11:15 am

HK$2,480.00/ week (5 classes)

Certificates would be issued to students for those who completed the courses with no less than 80% attendance.

Click Here to Sign Up

or Scan the QR code!!


If Codabot needs to cancel:

  1. If due to typhoon 8, black and red rainstorm warning or other personal reasons that your child cannot attend class, there will be no refund or make up class for that day. 
  2. Codabot reserves the right to suspend/cancel the placement if the child’s needs cannot be supported within the setting in the school environment. 

If parent needs to cancel: 

  1. The request for cancellation must be submitted to Pui Kiu in writing on or before class commence, 28 August 2022, for refund, after this date, the paid course fee is not refundable or transferrable.
  2. No credit or refunds will be issued for any personal reason or activity sessions missed by the participant. 

Unstable weather arrangement:

Note: Teachers will be responsible for informing the parents if classes are cancelled due to the below weather conditions.  

Pui Kiu International Kindergarten and Nursery is a registered school as a whole day session with the Education Bureau.  We will follow the whole-day schools guidelines when the school closure announcement is made by EDB. 

Please read the below arrangement: 

In the event of any further T1 signals or heavy rain (amber / red / black signal) being in force parents should take one of the following steps: 

  1. Phone teacher (Tel. No. will be send by confirmation letter) at 8:00 a.m. for confirmation of any closure (maybe voicemail).
  2. Listen to RTHK radio 3 station (FM 92.6 – 94.4) – this is a government station which broadcasts the closure of schools. 
  3. Log into Education Bureau website www.edb.gov.hk 
  4. Check local and English language TV channels – information can be limited on English language channels. 
  5. According to the Education Bureau’s guideline, school will be closed when a typhoon 8 signal or black/red storm signal is hoisted (please note that there might be a special announcement from EDB) and there will be no refund or make-up days. 
  6. If such warnings are hoisted during school hours, parents or guardians must come to pick up the student as soon as weather permits. 
  7. Class will change to online if possible, teachers will inform the class state before the class time. 

Any Enquiry: 

Customer Service Email: stem@[email protected]

Customer Service Whatsapp: +852 6761 5999

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